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Hcd (Hackney Co-Operative Developments)

HCD (Hackney Co-operative Developments)

Hackney Co-operative Developments (HCD) is a local community economic development agency with a membership open to all those who subscribe to its co-operative goals and values. HCD works within our local community to explore ideas and opportunities to create a sustainable environment for Hackney's communities to flourish. We support the creation and growth of co-operatives and social enterprises through programmes such as our Pioneering Social Enterprise in Hackney initiative, and use our agency role to network and connect organisations so that the movement can work together to grow the locally-owned social economy in our borough. We provide affordable workspace to a range of social and ethical organisations, local start-ups, cultural entrepreneurs and creative professionals, playing an important role in Hackney's business ecosystem and ongoing urban regeneration.

Areas Covered: Hackney

Telephone number: 020 7254 4829


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